Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Oh Say, Can You D.C.?

Any good photos by H. Darr Beiser

Washington Harbor is fun now

I travel a lot, but today I only had to drive 20 minutes to find myself in a desirable destination, Washington, DC. A really nice city!  I was worried about moving to the suburbs 20 years ago when we had children.  Because I was afraid that meant I would live in the suburbs and neglect the Nation’s Capital. 

Here's why we moved--neighborhood parades

So it’s the Fourth of July and I thought I would like to go into the Nation’s Capital for my walk. Why am I walking instead of running? I had dental implant surgery last week and they said I cannot exercise for two weeks.  Something about the stitches. This is like being put on bed rest. But it turns out walking is allowed. And oddly enough I have to say you can see more things walking.

Along the boardwalk, Washington Harbor

Patriotic boating on the Potomac

So walk I did, starting at Georgetown’s Washington Harbor, which has turned into a perfectly lovely pedestrian park while I was away.  Follow the path from Georgetown and you happen upon the colorful crew members at Thomson Boat Center.  Move on and behold no less than The Watergate, followed quickly by The Kennedy Center  And sand volleyball courts that have the Washington Monument in their view.

We've got Watergate

We've got the FBI dive team

Memorial Bridge when it was open
I wanted to walk over Memorial Bridge, but Fourth of July fireworks preparations were underway and it was blocked.

So I turned around and walked to Francis Scott Key Bridge, and how fitting is that for today? 

Coffee from Malmaison with Francis

Years ago when we were driving into the city with the boys, Franky, who was then 8 or 9, said “Why would anyone want to come to visit Washington DC?” Indeed.  There’s a tendency to take it for granted. To only go in when there are out-of-town visitors. But going in means concerts and plays and tennis tournaments and major league baseball. And awesome free museums. And really nice restaurants.

Come visit. I may live in the suburbs, but I'm only five traffic lights away from Washington, D.C.

Happy Fourth!

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